OH NO! Square (1).png

Join in an Atlanta performing community social event, during which we'll poke fun at ourselves. This casual evening will be an opportunity to network/mingle, and also to entertain one another. Performers are invited to submit an act idea below, if they wish to be included in the lineup (it's not an open mic - acts will be curated to avoid redundancy and so that it can run more smoothly).

Act Guidelines

  • Acts must make light of performance-oriented pet peeves.

  • While we're poking fun, we're not being mean. Your act should not attack a colleague, nor should it be something that others would specifically associate with a colleague.

  • Better yet: lampoon something you're guilty of doing. Maybe you did it in the past, and now you know better or maybe you trained yourself out of it. That face you make? That cliche' move? That thing you wear? That.

  • Acts of all sorts are accepted. Bands that can load in and out really quickly are fine. We'll have stage hands, so burlesque, sideshow, variety acts can certainly have setup, too. No rigging, though.

What About Dollars?

  • Yeah, I talk about not working for free all the damned time. So, this might be my pet peeve performance art.

  • Members of the performer community won't pay admission for this event, but everyone should bring dollars. All performers will be entertaining for tips.

  • There will be a door fee for non-performers, and that'll cover production/door expense (hopefully). Anything else will be split among performers.