Exposing the Modern Inbox
Saturday, February 15, 2020 at Red Light Cafe
Unrequested dick pics, harassment, and just plain weird propositions…
This multimedia event features dramatic readings and interpretive performances of the crass and unwelcome messages people get on social media and dating sites.
We will confront the dehumanization, objectification, and tastelessness of this harassment by highlighting the absurdity of the messages: Comedy in tragedy.
People can be hurtful jackasses or just plain perplexing; let's make performance art out of those awful DMs.
As before, conversations related to and readers of all genders, orientations, and backgrounds are welcomed.
How Does It Work?
Here's how it works: people submit screenshots of fucked up messages they've gotten from strangers via social media/dating sites. This time around, it's not limited to dating/hookup oriented messages, but also political, healthcare related, etc.
As before, conversations related to and readers of all genders, orientations, and backgrounds are welcomed. The messages can be one-way from someone else, or a conversation. These will be vetted, arranged thematically, and made into scripts that people will read during the event.
Text will be assigned randomly to the readers. For conversations, reader pairings may be male-male, female-female, female-male, nongendered-nongendered, nongendered-male, nongendered-female, etc. Everyone is likely to read the part of the aggressor at some point. People can be hurtful jackasses or just plain perplexing; let's make performance art out of that bullshit.
Performers (readers, musicians, etc.) will receive compensation in the form of a door split.
Want to Be a Reader?
Please provide your contact info below if you’re interested in reading at DickLit.
If you’d like to submit screen shots (or both read and submit content), please do so via this form (https://forms.gle/ruwcoduLnjntgxJY6).